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This section homes a collection of 'geeky' resources; perhaps of interest to someone implmenting their own version (or derivative) ... or just the "oddments" that I couldn't find a home for elsewhere.

Notes on the XOR Codeword
An interesting collection of thoughts on what the hidden word could be.

A Perl script to turn the map data into XML
Smashingly useful for getting the map data out in a more useable form, if you're making your own version.

A Perl script to rip the background music from the Beeb version
An interesting little script someone very kindly wrote for me to extract the background music from the Beeb version of XOR and turn it into a MIDI file. This file was used as the basis of the music for my iPhone version.
Here is the MIDI file for those who can't run the script.

E-mail me!
This site was last updated April 2010.