My6502 (part eight) – Update

I’ve not written any updates on my My6502 project in a while, so it feels like a good time for a sitrep.

In my head, my process for each part of My6502 was going to be quite straightforward: decide on a feature to build, research it, design it, build it, document it, repeat. In practice, it hasn’t worked out like that … for all sorts of reasons.

I try to make use of any spare time I have: whether that’s on the train between home and work, or whilst waiting for one of my kids to finish an after-school club, or in the pub, or during a quiet lunch hour. But the situation and environment might limit what I can do – I can hardly do soldering or serious 6502 debugging on the train! I also have a bit of a problem with a short attention span and poor short-term memory.

All of which conspire to stop me from working on a single task at a time. Instead I have many things running concurrently. This makes tracking and documentation it a bit of a bugger.

bad_docsSo please don’t think that because I haven’t posted anything that the project is at a standstill. Actually, I’ve done lots! But I’ve neglected my documentation, which is sloppy. I’ve been quite excited with progress, so I’ve been getting ahead of myself and starting on the next bit without drawing a line under what I’ve done already. I hope to fix this soon … ish.

In the meantime, I’d like to talk to you about something I’ve discovered recently which has been an enormous help in this project: PCB Prototyping Houses

[To the My6502 Project Page]

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